In this episode, I share about how it all started - learning about the "bucketlist" idea what were the first few dreams I was able to achieve. I'll also share the importance of writing your dreams on paper right now.

Show Notes

In this solo episode I will share to you how I discovered the cool idea of ''bucket lists" which has guided my life and brought a lot of unexpected surprises along my way.

You'll listen to:
  • Where I first heard about bucket lists.
  • What was the first and second dream that I was able to tick off my bucket list.
  • Why you need to write your dreams on paper.
  • The 3 main categories of dreams
  • The story of standing on sand dunes I initially saw in a National Geographic Magazine.

This episode is dedicated to those who have a lot of dreams in them but can't manage to figure out a simple way to jumpstart their journey.

Also, if you stick 'til the end of the episode you'll find out a simple request I am asking of you...find out that simple favor by listening to the whole episode.

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