What does your perfect day look like? Do you even have one? If not, stick 'til the end of this episode and I'll give you an idea how and why you must have your perfect day written on paper 😉

Show Notes

Do you even have a perfect day? 👀

This episode is about designing your perfect day...Imagine if in one whole day, you can "schedule" your life goals on a per hour basis and visualize it in your mind. It's gonna be an awesome day once you nail it down to the last minute.

The perfect day exercise is meant for you to really drill down on the per hour detail of your "perfect day".

It can be a very simplistic approach but I invite you to try it first. You'll be surprised at how fun it is. I felt like this was a waste of time at first, but after I had it written, it made me think: "why didn't I do this before?"

I'm sure it's productive and it will bring more results than you can achieve with just a usual to-do list. 👌

Anyways, here are the steps that I enumerated to make your perfect day: 👇

  1. Get a blank sheet of paper and of course a pen and a pencil 📝
  2. If money wasn’t an issue, what do you want to happen on your perfect day? Is this really how you want your perfect day to be? 🥳
  3. Imagine every tiny detail, describe it with colors, sounds, textures....be as descriptive as possible. Describe what happens by the hour. Literally. Describe your perfect day in terms of hours. 🤏
  4. Reread your perfect day and enjoy. Let great feelings sink in. 🤓
  5. Go back to reality and reflect on how near your current daily life is from your perfect day.  Ask yourself, do you already have some of the things you mentioned in your Perfect day? If not, what do you need to do in the next few months to at least make some of them a reality. 🤔

I hope this makes you achieve your perfect day and remember, you can string together several bucket list items or life goals and line them up in your 24-hour itinerary. 

Have fun and happy dreamcatching!


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